Game of Thrones Characters

Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images: Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama tv series originally released on April 17, 2011. Game of Thrones is created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss and it is based on “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R. R. Martin. In the year 2022, Game of Thrones is releasing its prequel named House of the Dragon.

Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images

In this article, we’re covering Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images and the character they played in this series. Continue reading if you want to know about the characters of Game of Thrones.

The Hound Portrayed by Rory McCann
Shea Portrayed by Sibel Kekilli
Tyrion Lannister Portrayed by Peter Dinklage


The Hound Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images
Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images

The Hound is the popular name Sandor Clegane (portrayed by Rory McCann). He is the youngest brother of Gregor Clegane. The Hound was the personal bodyguard of Prince Joffrey Baratheon. It was Joffery’s decision to hire Sandor as his personal bodyguard after knowing the fact that he is not a knight. However, Sandor deserted his position during that Battle of the Blackwater.

Shea Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images
Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images

In Game of Thrones, the character of Shea is played by Sibel Kekilli. Shea was the mistress of Tyrion Lannister and also a prostitute. Apart from this, she has previously worked as a handmaiden of Sansa Stark at King’s landing.

Shea was the kind of woman who never reveals too much about herself to anyone. She is a beautiful woman who wants to keep herself a mystery. Talking about her personality, she has a Lorathi accent and it is quite obvious that she does not belong to Westeros.

Tyrion Lannister Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images
Game of Thrones Characters Names with Images

Tyrion is the son of Lord Tywin Lannister. Tyrion Lannister (Portrayed by Peter Dinklage) is the youngest among all, he has two elder brothers named Cersei and Jaime Lannister. He is a dwarf but he uses his wit intellect to overcome every hurdle in his life. In the Game of Thrones, he is the present Lord of Casterly Rock and is also referred to as the Hand of the King to Brandon Stark. { Production Company: HBO Entertainment & Official Distributor: Warner Bros Pictures Distribution}

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