Age of Empires IV (Video Game)

Age of Empires IV Age Rating, Parents Guide, Gameplay, Review 2021
Age of Empires IV Age Rating, Parents Guide, Gameplay, Review 2021

Age of Empires IV is a video game having a real-time strategy and developed by Relic Entertainment in partnership with World’s Edge, and the publishers of this game are Xbox Game Studios. It is the fourth installment in the Age of Empires series. The game was released on October 28, 2021, for windows. Events of the games were settled in Middle age timings.

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Series Age of Empires
Developer Relic Entertainment World’s Edge
Publisher Xbox Game Studios
Directors Adam Isgreen, Quinn Duffy
Age Rating ESRB- T, PEGI-12
Mode Single-player, multiplayer
Genre  Strategy
Release October 28, 2021
Platforms Microsoft Windows


Age of Empires IV Age Rating

ESRB- rated Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy as T (TEEN) for Mild Blood and Mild Violence. ESRB T (TEEN) rated means the content of this game is generally suitable for ages 13 and up.

PEGI-  Age of Empires IV has received a PEGI 12 because it features moderate violence. Not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.

Age of Empires IV Parents Guide

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A strategy game in which players gather resources, build kingdoms, and fight battles against others in the Middle Ages.
From a top-down/overhead perspective, players complete campaigns and command military units (e.g., infantry, cavalry) against rival civilizations.
This game features moderate violence.
During the course of the game, hunted animal carcasses appear as pink-red meat; a live-action video depicts a hawk briefly feeding on its prey.
Combat is highlighted by frequent cries of pain, impact sounds, and weapon-clashing sounds.
Human characters attack each other using a range of medieval weaponry, such as bows, swords, spears, and clubs.
Characters do not respond to violence until their health has depleted, at which point they fall to the ground. Bodies disappear after a short time.
There is the use of very mild terms such as ‘hell’.


Age of Empires IV Price

The Price of the Age of Empires IV video game is $59.99

Age of Empires IV Gameplay & Features

At the time of its release, there are eight civilizations present in this game, and they are; the English, the Chinese, the Mongols, the Delhi Sultanate, the French, the Abbasid Dynasty, the Rus, and the Holly empire. This is one of the most lovable real-time strategy games, and this game franchise is coming again to capture the glory with the latest released venture, Age of Mirror.

This game will put you at the center of epic historical battles, that result in the shaping of the world. And this will feature both familiar and innovative ways of expanding your empire even in vast landscapes. Age of Empires 4 has sequences having 4K visual fidelity, and it brings an evolved strategy game offering to a new generation.

This game will give us a return ride to history; In the past, it was presented as a prologue. It is immersed in a rich historical setting of eight different types of civilizations worldwide, from the English to the Chinese to the Delhi Sultanate in your quest for victory.

In this game, the work is to Build cities, manage resources, and lead your troops to battle on land and at sea in 4 distinct campaigns with 35 missions spanning 500 years of history from the Dark Ages to the Age of Renaissance.

Age of Empires IV Age Rating, Parents Guide, Gameplay, Review 2021
Age of Empires IV Age Rating, Parents Guide, Gameplay, Review 2021

In the gameplay, you have to Choose Your Path by choosing the historical figures; You have to be their soldier for some time, like Joan of Arc in her quest to defeat the English or command mighty Mongol troops as Genghis Khan in his conquest over Asia. The choice is completely yours that from which side you want to play.

But mind it, every decision that you make will determine the outcome of history for you. You can Customize Your Game with different Modes. This new game has tools for you to customize your game in your way.

Another facility is also there in this gameplay. You can now jump online to compete or cooperate with the players worldwide, or you can also spectate with up to seven of your friends in PVP and PVE modes of Multiplying.

An Age of Empires 4 is a game for All kinds of Payers. This game will give you an inviting experience even if you are a new player. It is presented with a tutorial system that teaches the essence of real-time strategy and a Campaign Story Mode, that is specially designed for first-time players to help them achieve easy setup and success.

Making this game more challenging for the veteran players, Because it has new game mechanics, evolved strategies, and combat techniques this time. This game is a Single-player game and also has a multiplayer mode in some selected sequences.

It supports Steam Achievements and has a brilliant documentary style, and last but not least a great time strategy is shown in the game.

The balancing seems pretty solid for launch with the odd BS strat here and there, but well done for an initial release. Some people complain that arrows can’t miss, or animals don’t decay.

Age of Empires IV System Requirements


Processor: 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10 64bit | Windows 11 64bit
Processor: Intel Core i5-6300U or AMD Ryzen 5 2400G | CPU with AVX support required
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD 520 or AMD Radeon RX Vega 11
DirectX: Version 12
Storage: 50 GB available space


Processor: 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10 64bit | Windows 11 64bit
Processor: 3.6 GHz 6-core (Intel i5) or AMD Ryzen 5 1600 | CPU with AVX support required
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 970 GPU with 4GB of VRAM
DirectX: Version 12
Storage: 50 GB available space

Age of Empires IV Characters & Voice Cast

  • Saranya Dashnanzad will be seen as a Mongolian Monk
  • Freya Fox as Vietnamese Villager
  • Khaldun Ganbold will be seen as Mongolian Villager
  • Dolya Gavanski will be seen as Tsarina
  • Yalalt Namsan will be seen as Mongolian Villager,
  • Other than them there are Matthew Thomas-Robinson, Erdenechuluun Tumurbaatar, Mongolian Crossbow is there as voices.

Age of Empires IV Trailer

Age of Empires IV Review

Age of Empires 4 was announced on August 21 for the first time in 2017, and ever since then, real-time strategy fans have been waiting to see where Microsoft, Xbox, and a talented cadre of developers for renewing this series with its continuation. Overall this game is a throwback to an RTS game. And this game is very enjoyable yet a little risky.

This game is kind of a base-building game in which players have to face sword-clashing, village-pillaging RTS of the classic style, inside and outside of that. If you apply the right strategy to the right point of the game, you will win this game easily, and for you, the risk rate automatically decreases too.

Most of the players didn’t focus on the voices in previous AoE, but in this game, the voices act so childish on characters and it’s full of high tone child-like voices are there in this game.

This time the technology tree and upgrades were also a little downgraded if we compare them to AoE III.  But as its pros, AoE IV has some good major changes also but still has the problem of a couple of bugs, and because of this reason, it is still to be improved very much if it is going to be renewed in the future. This game is worth playing, all the players should play this game one time for sure.


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