Baki the Grappler Parents Guide
Baki the Grappler (グラップラー刃牙) is a Japanese animated television series based on the Japanese manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Keisuke Itagaki. The story follows teenager Baki Hanma as he trains and tests his fighting skills against a variety of different opponents in deadly, no rules hand-to-hand combat.
Official Poster and Details
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Series Name | Baki the Grappler |
Genre | Animation, Action, Drama |
Directed by | Hitoshi Nanba and Katsuyoshi Yatabe |
Seasons | 2 |
Episodes | 48 |
Runtime | 24 min per epi. |
Country | Japan |
Official website | Manga |
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Baki the Grappler Age Rating
Baki the Grappler is rated TV-MA for violence. (Netflix)
TV-MA rated means MATURE ADULTS ONLY. means Restricted. Program-rated R is intended to be viewed by mature, adult audiences and may be unsuitable for children under 17. Contains content that is unsuitable for children. Children Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian.
Baki the Grappler Parents Guide
- There is no sexual content or nudity is shown in the series.
- There is a lot of violence throughout the series.
- Season 2 is much bloodier than season 1 but the violence is not graphic and gory.
- Very rare profanity can be heard.
- One or scenes of drinking.
Baki the Grappler Plot story
Ever since he was born, Baki Hanma has always known nothing but fighting—strengthening every single muscle and learning different techniques from various martial arts under the supervision of his mother, Emi Akezawa. He trains in order to prepare himself to face and eventually surpass his own father, Yuujirou Hanma, a man feared by the masses as the “Ogre” and deemed the strongest being in the world.
However, when Baki realizes his mother’s techniques are no longer enough, he sets out to become stronger in his own way. Seeking out powerful opponents and forming unbreakable bonds with them, he continues to grow both body and his soul, as the clock continues to tick closer toward the inevitable showdown against his father.
Baki the Grappler Wallpaper and Images
Baki the Grappler Voice Cast
- Bob Carter as Narrator
- Masami Kikuchi as Baki
- Robert McCollum as Baki
- Naomi Kusumi as Tokugawa
- Yoshikazu Nagano as Additional Cast
- Doug Burks as Tokugawa
- Troy Baker as Kato
- Masayuki Omoro as Kuriyagawa
- Takehiro Murozono as Kato
- Jin Yamanoi as Kizaki
- Toshitaka Shimizu as Additional Cast
- Matthew Tompkins as Yujiro
- Kyle Hebert as Hanayama
- Kenji Nomura as Yujiro
- Greg Dulcie as Doppo
- Jim Johnson as Gizo
- Masayuki Nakata as Hanayama
- Bradford Jackson as Announcer
Baki the Grappler Age Rating and Baki the Grappler Parents Guide
Know about Baki the Grappler age rating and parental Guidance here. Baki the Grappler age rating in the UK, US, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, and overseas is explained here.
Baki the Grappler rated PG in Australia but some episodes are rated M. 14A in Canada, in Germany, it is rated 16
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