“Hyoujin: BLADES OF THE GUARDIANS,” is an upcoming anime series based on a popular historical martial arts Manhua created by Xianzhe Xu. The series tells the story of a group of mercenaries caught up in the schemes of a new empire.
The anime will be produced by Tencent Penguin Pictures and will be animated by a Japanese animation studio, Colored Pencil Animation Group.
Blades of the Guardians Release Date
The anime is expected to be released in late 2022 or early 2023.
So far, no further details about the animation such as the cast, and the crew have yet been revealed, although an official trailer (below) has been published.
Official Synopsis.
‘BLADES OF THE GUARDIANS’ revolves around the main character Toma, a bounty hunter who travels from the west to Chang’an. On his journey, Toma faces conspiracy in the dynasty and meets ethnic minorities on the run. (MAL)