Brave the Dark Parents Guide and Age Rating (2025)

Brave the Dark is an upcoming drama movie directed by Damian Harris, set to release in the United States on January 24, 2025. The movie stars Jared Harris as Stan Deen, a compassionate teacher, and Nicholas Hamilton as Nate, a homeless teenager living in his car.

Set in the 1980s in Pennsylvania, the story showcases a powerful journey of hope, redemption, and the bond between a teacher and his troubled student. The movie premiered at the Heartland International Film Festival in October 2023 and is distributed by Angel Studios.

Brave the Dark Age Rating

The movie is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association (MPA). This means it is suitable for viewers aged 13 and above, but parental guidance is advised due to the following reasons:

  • Themes of domestic violence and emotional trauma.
  • Scenes involving teen drinking, drug use, and smoking.
  • Mild violence and bloody images.

Parents Guide: What Parents Should Know?

Sex and Nudity

  • The film contains no explicit sexual content.
  • At a teen party, a fully clothed young couple kisses on a bed before being interrupted and told to leave.

Violence and Gore

  • Mild violence is present.
  • A scene shows a traumatized child with blood on them (not their own).


  • Mild strong language is used in some parts of the movie.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Smoking

  • Moderate instances of teen drinking, smoking, and drug use.
  • One scene shows a teenager taking drugs and realizing too late that they consumed an unsafe amount.

Frightening and Intense Scenes

  • Some scenes may feel intense, especially those dealing with domestic violence and emotional trauma.

FAQs About Brave the Dark

Q: What is the age rating for Brave the Dark?
A: The movie is rated PG-13, meaning it is suitable for ages 13 and above with parental guidance.

Q: Does Brave the Dark movie have violent scenes?
A: Yes, it has mild violence, such as a scene showing a traumatized child with blood on them.

Q: Are there any sexual scenes in Brave the Dark movie?
A: There is no explicit sexual content. The movie includes a scene of a young couple kissing but nothing more.

Q: Does Brave the Dark movie deal with mature themes?
A: Yes, the movie explores mature themes like domestic violence, homelessness, and emotional struggles.


Brave the Dark is a heartfelt drama that tells an inspiring story of resilience, hope, and redemption. While it is an impactful film, its mature themes and some scenes of drug use, drinking, and violence make it more suitable for teenagers and adults. Parents are advised to review the film’s content to determine if it’s appropriate for younger viewers.

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