Happy 311 day is an annual reminder that 311 is a service like 911 but it is a non-emergency service. 311 system is a non-emergency number in which you can call to report issues, find out about city service and ask any question you want to ask.
In 1996, for the first time Baltimore, Maryland adopted this system of 311 to lessen the burden of the 911 system. 311 is a number which any citizen of the country can dill can report their concerns regarding their sounding and own cities or anything they notice. this service came out very helpful for some people they can get help or can help someone.

The different types of reports made on 311 services are:-
- Graffiti on roads nearby you.
- Road, park, or fence damage in your city.
- Debris on the road.
- Noise, or loudspeaker in your sounding
- Trees need to be trimmed in your colony.
- Illegal parking near your office or home.
The 311 service system is available in many different countries and major cities. Whenever you have any problem with your sounding or inconvenience you can contract on 311 rather than 911 emergency service.
History of #NATIONAL311DAY
As 311 day was adopted very early but in 2020, a fellow worker seven in google.org was trying to improve 911 and 311 response time. Google and San José, with the collaboration of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Santa Clara County, founded National 311 Day. This day is to increase awareness of this non-emergency number.
So the day 11th march was marked as NATIONAL 311 DAY in the National day calendar.

In the above image, you can see how many people have used this service of 311 non-emergency number it became very useful for many people. not every state has this service till now about 2/3rds of the U.S states have a 311 system in at least one city. you can find if you have this service in your country by contacting your local or state government’s website can see if it’s available.