Landman is an American drama series created by Taylor Sheridan and Christian Wallace. It is based on the podcast Boomtown hosted by Wallace. The show stars Billy Bob Thornton in the lead role as a landman working for an oil company. It premiered on November 17, 2024, on Paramount+.
Set in the boomtowns of West Texas, the series dives into the lives of people working in the high-stakes world of oil drilling. It portrays the challenges, ambitions, and conflicts surrounding oil rig workers and wealthy entrepreneurs.
Landman Age Rating
Landman has an age rating of TV-MA, which stands for Mature Audiences Only. This means the show is not suitable for viewers under 17 due to its mature themes and content.
Landman Parents Guide
The show includes mature content across several categories. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Violence & Scary Scenes
- Frequent violence: Gun violence, physical fights, and scenes showing injuries or blood.
- Graphic content: Some scenes include detailed portrayals of harm or intense situations that might be upsetting to younger viewers.
- Strong language throughout: Characters use frequent profanity, including words like “f—,” “s—,” and others.
- Casual insults: Terms like “dumbass” and “a–hole” are used regularly in conversations.
Sex, Romance & Nudity
- Adult themes: Characters make crude jokes, openly discuss sexual topics, and engage in flirting and kissing.
- Suggestive clothing: Some characters wear revealing outfits in certain scenes.
- Family discussions: Teen characters sometimes talk about mature topics, including with their parents.
Substance Use
- Smoking and drinking: Many characters are shown smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol to cope with stress.
- Acknowledgment of risks: Characters occasionally discuss the dangers of these habits but continue engaging in them.
Is Landman Suitable for Kids?
No, Landman is not recommended for children or teens under 17 years old. The mature themes, explicit language, and violent scenes make it better suited for adult viewers.
Q: Why is Landman rated TV-MA?
A: The TV-MA rating is due to strong language, frequent violence, adult themes, and depictions of substance use.
Q: Is there violence in the series?
A: Yes, Landman features gun violence, fights, and graphic injury scenes.
Q: Does the show have inappropriate language?
A: Yes, there is consistent use of strong language and offensive terms throughout the series.
Q: Are there sexual themes in the show?
A: Yes, the series includes discussions about sex, flirting, and kissing. Some characters wear revealing outfits, and mature topics are occasionally discussed by younger characters.
Q: Does the series show substance use?
A: Yes, smoking and drinking are regularly shown as coping mechanisms for the characters.
Official Trailer
Landman is a gripping drama series with complex characters and intense storytelling. However, its mature content, including strong language, violence, and adult themes, makes it best suited for adults. Parents should carefully consider the TV-MA rating before deciding if the show is appropriate for their household.