List of the Weapons of Monster Hunter Rise

 Monster Hunter Rise Weapons 

How to choose best of the best weapon for you from the list of the weapons of Monster Hunter Rise?

The more that you make in this game is choosing the best weapon for you, and for this purpose, we have given you a guide overview to help you choose the right and best for you.

This game is a very easy breezy game, but the thing that makes it complex and more intense is the large variety and high range of weapons used in it. Each weapon type has its capabilities, so read this article and choose the weapon that is best suited for you. And it will take time to choose a wise play and a playstyle. After all, there are 14 types of weapons in this game, Such as the hammer, Bow, and charge blade, each has its unique mechanics and play attacks.

Note this point that you can anytime switch your weapons through your item box, and because of that, you can change your weapon. If it doesn’t suit you, you can try some other weapon.

You will get to know the proper details about every weapon below to help you decide which one is right for you and which of them doesn’t suit you that much.

 Monster Hunter Rise Weapons

There are, in total, 14 weapons. and the weapons are greatly vast and have very many variables and features. So this page is to learn more about each of them.

Monster Hunter Rise has a sparkling range of weapon types of all shapes and sizes, so it can be overwhelming to decide which weapon type is best for you.

But actually, there are an incredible amount of choices for you in the Monster Hunter Rise game. Playing this game with a different weapon that doesn’t suit you will make it impossible for you to play this game.

So if something’s not matching with your vibe or the personal playstyle, don’t hesitate to swap to something different.

Some weapons are that much great and huge that they require some amount of extra charges and also so very much attention. Other apples are very much familiar hack-and-slash types. Here in this game, ranged weapons also exist for making this game more intense.

Nintendo Switch also supports gyro aiming, extra power is given to elemental-based weapons.

It is very much related to weapons, stats, and affinity. Weapons with high raw damage have less affinity, which creates a balance since less powerful weapons can still prove powerful if a monster is weak to perform some elemental attack…

 Monster Hunter Rise Weapons Prime List

When you move forward in this game, then you will get to know that you can unlock your attacks too. Every weapon has three types of switch skills that will grant permission to perform new actions. This is the new feature that is added to this monster hunter rice game.

These are the weapons of this game:

  • Bow
  • Charge blade
  • Heavy Bowgun
  • Hunting horn
  • Insect glaive
  • Lance
  • Light Bowgun
  • Long sword
  • Switch ax
  • Sword and shield
  • Dual blades
  • Greatsword
  • Gunlance
  • Hammer

Details on the feature and the advancement of the Monster Hunter Rise Weapons 

Firstly talking about Bow-

This weapon used in this game is not the type of typical weapon that is used in every video game. The boy here is much more like a shotgun, and you can shoot lots of closely related bolts or entire groups of them even from a distance. The Bow is much more sluggish, and this weapon uses powerful arrow coatings too, you can use the training area for testing this weapon.

Next is the Charge Blade-

This is the most complex weapon of the whole gameplay. This charge blade helps in dealing damage to charge your weapon. And this weapon requires some excellent positioning and a very good understanding of all the monsters.

It will be very difficult for a newcomer to use this weapon; for them, it is a total waste. This weapon needs an experienced hand.

Other on the line is Dual Blades-

This weapon is very simple in comparison with all the weapons. This weapon will help you slice the monster and then move forward in the game. When you activate the Demon Mode, it makes each attack of yours more powerful than before. Out of every weapon, this is the best weapon to use by newcomers.

Next in the row is Greatsword-

This is the most famous weapon of this game, and it is the same weapon you will see in the original movie. This is a cute fraud, and its hits are extremely hurtful, and it works on a charge-based system, its mechanics have a formula of attack and charge again. This game is very simple to handle, yet it requires a player who has a great knowledge of this game and its positioning.

Here comes Gunlance-

A combination makes this weapon of Lance and explosive devices. It will help you to stop the monster and protect yourself… Gunlance is a little more complex than the Lance, But this weapon will give you a much more attractive playway. My advice is to use the simple Lance at first and then get into this weapon.

Then after Hammer is another weapon-

The best weapon to knock out the monster, Hammer also excels in the monster’s parts, which will help you get lots of a stop when you complete The hunt. This is a great weapon to start with, and even newcomers can easily handle this one…

Other on the slot is Heavy Bowgun-

This is one of the three weapons that are very much raised and of very high quality and have deadly battling features.

This weapon is very much better than the other ranged weapons. It will intensively attack the monster. You have to charge for a long time to get all the possible benefits of this weapon. All I can say is it is good for new players and simple for the experienced ones.

Next on the list is Hunting Horn-

This weapon is very much upgraded for this game, and because of that, we can say that by getting the new features, this is the best weapon of this game. This game doesn’t have any combos with The hunt. It is not very hard to handle this game, but new players can’t understand each note of this weapon. Use the hammer and then go for the hunting horn

Insect Glaive- 

It is much fancier than deadly. This weapon has blade-like structures. It has the buddy given to you that is insect buddy, This weapon has a very quick attack. To get the full benefit of this game, you have to command your insect to do the hardest jobs for you. It is a difficult weapon to deal with the damage.

The next slot is for Lance-

This requires only patience, but a good player knows how to hand this game. It is not a particularly attractive weapon but very easy to use. It is so simple that it sometimes seems very boring. For players that do not know the combat style of this game, I also don’t know what the importance of this weapon is in this game. Because it is the safest option that comes across in the whole gameplay.

The next one in this list is Light Bowgun-

It is the most simple ranged weapon. It will give you an option for an outing with a decent range, and it forms a talking style that has a combination of different types of whacking combo attacks on monsters. You will also have the power to return lots more mobility.

This weapon doesn’t deal with the damage that much. If you use this weapon, then attacking monsters will be a very time-killing task for you. But if you want to study more about monsters, then it is the best weapon to use. By using this weapon, you can easily keep on monster moves and learn them. Light bogan is for new simple players and is for the complex and experienced ones.

Next is the Long Sword-

This weapon is listed as one of the most popular and useful weapons of this game. Using this weapon is much simpler than using the other weapons. What this you have to attack a monster and get in charge. It has the power to perform a special combo that deals with big damage. The time when this special combo will hit you hard, it will give you a very dreadful full damage, And this process is repeated again and again. That will increase your buff. It is a perfect start for a new gamer. 

Switch ax

The switch ax is a unique weapon, and you can hit it on the monster and build your charge, And then you can change your ax into sword mode. This weapon has an awesome flow in the world of weapons.

Sword and shield

This one is very much simple but at the same time very much flexible too. It is the most versatile weapon of this game. This will help you to hit a monster with the shield to knock them, And what to use of blade you can cut their tails.

Weapons and their combos:

Long sword; speedy slashing:

Basic Combo: X, X, X, X

Spirit Blade Combo: ZR, ZR, ZR, ZR

Fade Slash Combos: X+A, ZR, ZR, ZR

Special Sheath Combo 1: X, ZR+B, X, ZR

Foresight Slash Combo 1: X, ZR+A, ZR

Special Sheath Combo 2: X, ZR+A, ZR+B

Sword and Shield; Strategic Bash-and-Slash:

Basic Combo: X, X, A, A

Powerful Combo: A, A, A, X+A

Monster-Stunning Combo: (L)+A, A, A

Jumping Slash Combo: X, (L)-down+A(hold), Hit, X

Falling Bash Combo: X, (L)-down+A(hold), Hit, A

Dual Blades; Hack-and-Slash:

Basic Combo: X, X, X

Demon Mode Combo: X, X, X, X+A

Stationary Combo: A, A, X, A

Archdemon Mode Combo: X+A, X+A, X+A

Hammer; Heavy bashing:

Basic Combo: X, X, X

Charged Side Blow Combo: ZR, X, X

Monster-Stunning Combo: ZR, A, X, X

Hunting Horn; Buffs and Bashing:

Stationary Combo: A, A, A, (L)+B

Forward-Moving Combo: (L)+X, X+A, A, X+A

Magnificent Trio Combo: A, X, X+A, ZR+X

All the 14 weapons of this game are very much interesting is just that the matter of fact is it will be useful in potential hands, so you have to choose which weapon you like and which is most suitable for you, But the best on the list is explained above.


That’s all for now, Stay updated with this website for more such information.


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