Mr Wolf The Bad Guys: The Bad Guys is an American computer-animated crime comedy movie releasing on April 22, 2022 (United States).
The Bad Guys is directed by Pierre Perifel and produced by Damon Ross and Rebecca Huntley. The Bad Guys is rated PG for the content shown in the movie.
The Bad Guys Synopsis
The story of this movie is centered on a group named The Bad Guys. This group consists of some criminals who are on their way to becoming good creatures. However, it was not as easy as they thought it to be, they are going to face a lot of problems on this journey.
Mr Wolf The Bad Guys
The character of Mr. Wolf is voiced by Sam Rockwell. Mr. Wolf is the leader of The Bad Guys gang. Wolf was the first one who got the idea of leaving criminal life and starting living afresh.
In order to succeed in his plan, Wolf decided to expose his own gang and get everyone arrested. Mr. Wolf’s thought process changed after listening to Marmalade’s speech about goodness.
The editing of The Bad Guys is done by John Venzon and the music is given by Daniel Pemberton. The Bad Guys has a total running time of 100Minutes and it is officially distributed by Universal Pictures.