Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli (2024)

Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide: Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli is a comedy series directed by Jason Orley and written by Pete Davidson. It is Executive Produced by Pete Davidson, Ally Engelberg, Melanie Greene, and Alex Panagos.

Series is co-produced by Melanie Greene in which Pete Davidson is self roling in the sereis showing the story which will be enjoyed by the audiences.

In this article you will get information about Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide, Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Age Ratings and other detail of Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli.

Title Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli
Genre Comedy
Director Jason Orley
Release date January 9, 2024
Country United States
Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide
Pete Davidson Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide
Pete Davidson Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide

Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Age Ratings

Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli is not rated officially in United States but in Singapore it is R21 rated for the Consumption of Alcohol and Language shown in the series.

You must follow the age ratings as the are made for your convenience as the maturity level of the kids different from each other and all of them see all the contents in different way.

Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide

Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide will guide you about the age ratings in which you it is shown so that you can guide your kid.

You should follow the reviews of Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli so that you can betterly guide your kid before allowing your kid to watch Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli.

Consumption of Alcohol

It shows that the character is shown consuming Alcohol and also holding glasses in hand which was filled with Alcohol in it and also characters are shown smoking in group.


It includes some language in it as there were character was using some using Language in it while speaking in the series.

Parents Consideration

You should keep in mind when you allow your kid to watch Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli as it conatins Consumption of Alcohol and Language which is not good for the kids.

Kids are too young to take decision for them for this you are there to take right decision for your kid which is most important for them.

Other Details

Below, we have given information about Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli.

What is the storyline?

It features the story of Pete Davidson who lives in the wood and now has turned 30 also discussing about the love with new twist and turns in it showing the series. This is Pete Davidson 2nd Netflix series.

When is the release date?

Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli will be premiered on January 9, 2024 on Netflix. After it you will be be able to watch it and enjoy it.


Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide


Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide: Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli is not rated officially but not suitable for the kids for smoking and consumption of Alcohol.

After reading the article you will be able to answer for those for which you are here and keep reading our article nad enjoy while reading the article.

Pete Davidson: Turbo Fonzarelli (2024)
Pete Davidson Turbo Fonzarelli Parents Guide 2

Director: Jason Orley

Date Created: 2024-01-09 10:28

Editor's Rating:

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