Presence is an upcoming American horror film, directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by David Koepp. The movie stars Lucy Liu, Julia Fox, and Chris Sullivan. It is scheduled for release by Neon on January 24, 2025. The story follows a family that moves into a suburban house and begins to suspect that they are not alone. The film promises to deliver intense psychological and supernatural thrills, with an eerie atmosphere built on suspense and tension.
Title | Presence |
Genre | Horror |
Director | Steven Soderbergh |
Writer | David Koepp |
Language | English |
Country | United States |
Runtime | 1h 25m |
Distributor | Neon |
Release Date | January 24, 2025 |
Presence Parents Guide
Presence is rated R by the MPA for violence, drug material, language, sexuality, and teen drinking. The R rating indicates that the content is intended for adult audiences, typically 17 years and older, and contains themes that may not be appropriate for younger viewers.
Sexual Content and Nudity
- The film contains mild sexual content. While explicit nudity or sexual scenes are not the focus, there may be sexual references or implications.
Violence and Gore
- The film includes mild violence. There may be unsettling or disturbing moments, but graphic gore is not a central element of the film.
- Severe profanity is present throughout the film, with the use of strong and offensive language.
- The film includes moderate drug material, with scenes depicting the use of drugs and alcohol. There are also instances of teen drinking, contributing to the mature themes of the film.
Frightening Scenes
- The film features severe frightening and intense scenes, including moments of psychological terror, supernatural elements, and possibly disturbing imagery, which may be unsettling for viewers.
Presence centers on a family who moves into a suburban home, only to realize they may not be the only inhabitants. As supernatural events escalate, they become convinced that they are being haunted or stalked by something unseen. The film plays on themes of isolation, fear, and psychological tension, with a focus on the terror of not being alone in your own home.
Official trailer
Presence is an intense psychological horror film that combines supernatural elements with real-world fears of isolation and being watched. Its R rating suggests that it is not suitable for younger viewers, with explicit content and disturbing scenes that would be inappropriate for children. Parents should be mindful of the mature content and decide if it aligns with their family’s values and their child’s maturity level.