Professor Marmalade The Bad Guys: The Bad Guys is an American computer-animated crime comedy movie releasing on April 22, 2022 (United States).
The Bad Guys is directed by Pierre Perifel and produced by Damon Ross and Rebecca Huntley. The Bad Guys is rated PG for the content shown in the movie.
The Bad Guys Synopsis
The story of The Bad Guys revolves around a criminal group named The Bad Guys. In their town, they are quite famous for their notorious and stealing nature. However, the movie took an unexpected turn when Mr. Wolf, the leader of the group decided to leave this criminal line and start a new life.
Professor Marmalade The Bad Guys
The character of Professor Marmalade is voiced by Richard Ayoade. The full name of Professor Marmalade is Rupert Marmalade IV. He is the main antagonist of The Bad Guys franchise. In the town, he is quite famous for being a philanthropist who helps everyone in need.
However, in reality, the most selfish, cruel creature of the movie. He is the main enemy of Mr. Wolf. The main motive of Prof. Marmalade is to destroy this world and steal everything by using others.
The editing of The Bad Guys is done by John Venzon and the music is given by Daniel Pemberton. The Bad Guys has a total running time of 100Minutes and it is officially distributed by Universal Pictures.