Selena: The Series

The Netflix TV Series  Selena: The Series created by an  American biographical drama streaming television created for Netflix by Moises Zamora. In fact, the Netflix TV Series, Selena: The Series is an American Biographical, Musical, Drama genre TV Series produced by Marvel Television, ABC Studios, DeKnight Productions Goddard Textiles. Moreover, the TV Series is Distributed by Netflix. Read more about the Netflix TV Series, Selena: The Series age Rating, and parental guides for kids.

The Series, Selena: The Series  Official Poster, and Details

Selena: The Series Age Rating 2020 - TV Show official Poster Netflix Images and Wallpapers
Selena: The Series age rating tv Show Netflix

Note! If you already watched the show, So please inform us about the parental guidance here. Eventually, from your support, we can bring out a better vision for everyone.

TV Series NameSelena: The Series

GenreBiographical, Musical, Drama

CreatorMoises Zamora 

Age Rating –  12+

Release Date – December 4, 2020

Seasons-  1

Episodes- 9

Runtime – 32-40mins


Selena: The Series  Netflix TV Series Overview

A coming-of-age story coming to here-after Selena as she attempts to overtake her uncontrolled thoughts in sleep, and the heart-wrenching and life-changing give things up for her and her family make as they take ships through the highs and lows of a good outcome, loss, love, and music.

What is Selena: The Series Age Rating




BBFC – 18+


CommonSenseMedia – 12+

Details of Parental Guidance for Selena: The Series

The Netflix TV Series, Selena: The Series  Age rating, is 12+

In fact, the age rating, fixed by MPAA( Motion Picture Association of America TV Series rating system), CSM(common sense media), BBFC(British Board Of Film Classification), and Netflix themselves. The board can decide who can watch the TV Series and TV shows. Here, for Selena: The Series it is rated 12+ for the contents shown in the Netflix TV Series. Including Kissing scenes, sexual references, and drug trade, throughout the Series. Notably, the 12+ rating suggests that children under the age of 12 are restricted to watch the Series on Netflix. If you have watched the TV Series, please provide the comments and thus help other kids/parents with the age rating and its contents.

Selena: The Series  2020 rating PG in the United Kingdom and TV-PG in the United States and overseas. In addition, it is rated G in japan PG in Australia, and 12 in France. Other ratings include PG13 in Singapore New Zealand, 18 in South Korea, 12 in Spain, and 9 in the Netherlands. Also, 12 in Brazil This includes the age rating of Selena: The Series in the US, UK, NZ, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, etc…

Explained Why Selena: The Series Received 12+ Age Rating

  •  Sexual references
  • no nudity
  • Kissing scenes
  • explicit love scenes
  • Man undressing
  • Severe curse words
  • drinking and illegal drugs usage
  • Cigarette smoking
  • We will update more details very sooner

Eventually, these are the reasons for the 12+ rating for the Netflix TV Series, Selena: The Series.

Selena: The Series  Release date

The TV Series, Selena: The Series release date is December 4, 2020. Distribution rights purchased by Netflix. You can see more info from the official site for the TV Series.

What is Selena: The Series Runtime

TV Series Selena: The Series , with total 9 episodes from 1 seasons. Each episodes takes 32-40 minutes.

  • Selena: The Series Age Rating – Wallpapers and Images

Selena: The Series Age Rating 2020 - TV Show Netflix Poster Images and Wallpapers
Selena: The Series Age Rating 2020- TV Show Netflix Poster Images and Wallpapers
  • Official Trailer of Selena: The Series TV Series


Summary Of Selena: The Series Cast

The TV Series casting includes Christian Serratos, Gabriel Chavarria, Ricardo Chavira, Noemi Gonzalez, Seidy Lopez, and others. In this Series, Christian Serratos plays the role of Selena. While Gabriel Chavarria features as A.B. Quintanilla.  and Ricardo Chavira comes as Abraham Quintanilla. Furthermore, Noemi Gonzalez stars as Suzette Quintanilla.

Stay tuned to get more updates on the age rating of all Netflix TV Series, TV shows, books, and games. Finally, any suggestions always welcomed. Also, please make use of the comment box for your reviews. We are always providing the complete details on age rating for kids, We will make the easy and best way for your kids.

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