The Movie American Crime, Drama, Thriller film Sheep Without a Shepherd created by Sam Quah. In fact, the Movie Sheep Without a Shepherd is an American Crime, Drama, Thriller genre Movie produced by China Film Group Corporation (CFGC), Perfect Sky Pictures Moreover, distributed by MM2 Entertainment, Cathay-Keris Films, Cine-Asia 815 Pictures, Artsploitation Films, Wanda Media Co.Read more about Movies Sheep Without a Shepherd age Rating, and parental guides for kids.
The Movie, Sheep Without a Shepherd  Official Poster, and Details
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Note! If you already watched the show, So please inform us about the parental guidance here. Eventually, with your support, we can bring out a better vision for everyone. Movie Name– Sheep Without a Shepherd Genre -Crime, Drama, Thriller Creator – Sam Quah Runtime –1h 52min Age Rating – not rated yet  Release Date – March 23, 2021 |
age rating 20[/su_table]
Sheep Without a Shepherd Movie Overview
Li Weijie, his wife Ayu, and their two daughters Pingping and An-an are Chinese ancestors active in arctic Thailand for the aftermost 17 years. Weijie runs an internet account accouterment boutique and is a blur enthusiast who brands to watch detective films and has an abysmal ability of the subject. Theirs is a common family.
What is the Sheep Without a Shepherd Age Rating
CommonSensemedia – N/A
Details of Parental Guidance for Sheep Without a Shepherd
The Movie, Sheep Without a Shepherd  Age rating, is N/A
In fact, the age rating, fixed by MPAA( Motion Picture Association of America TV Movie rating system), CSM(common sense media), BBFC (British Board Of Film Classification). The board can decide who can watch the Movie and TV shows. If you have watched the Movie, please provide the comments and thus help other kids/parents with the age rating and its contents.
However, the movie includes-
- police brutality
- rape victim
- accidental killing
- daughter raped
- abuse of power
- Severe curse words
- People were beaten to death
- hard combat fights
- gunshots
- Blood contents
- We will update more details very sooner
Sheep Without a Shepherd Release date
The Movie Sheep Without Shepherd’s release date is March 23, 2021.
What is Sheep Without a Shepherd  Runtime
Movie Sheep Without a Shepherd ,takes 1h 52min.
Sheep Without a Shepherd Age Rating – Wallpapers and Images
Official Trailer of Sheep Without a Shepherd Movie
- [youtube]
Summary Of Sheep Without a Shepherd Cast
The Movie casting includes Yang Xiao, Zhuo Tan, Joan Chen, Philip Keung, Audrey Hui, Tianyang Bian, Xiran Zhang  others Yang Xiao as Li Weijie, Zhuo Tan. as A Yu, Joan Chen as La Wen, Philip Keung as Du Peng, Audrey Hui as Ping Ping, Tianyang Bian as Su Cha, Xian Zhang as An An
.Stay tuned to get more updates on the age rating of all TV Movies, TV shows, books, and games. Finally, any suggestions always welcomed. Also, please make use of the comment box for your reviews. We are always providing the complete details on age rating for kids, We will make the easy and best way for your kid.