The Monk and Samurai

The Monk and Samurai Parents Guide

The Monk and Samurai is a short martial art film directed and written by Troy A. Sandford. The lives of two men, a monk, and a samurai suffer unbearable loss. Heroic to the end their tales intertwine as they battle with the chaos, redemption, justice, and vengeance within.

For more information refer to the article below and read The Monk and Samurai Parents Guide and Age Rating Because Our mission is to keep you informed with your Parent’s Guide and Age Rating So that you can know whether the movie shown to your children is right or not Which is helpful to a great extent to prevent your kids from watching wrong things.

We do our best to reach you with facts about some scenes that are inappropriate for the age of your children.

Film Name The Monk and Samurai
Genre Martial Arts, Drama, Crime
Director Troy A. Sandford
Writer Troy A. Sandford
Producer Troy A. Sandford
Runtime N/A
Release Date N/A
Production Company Troysteam
Distributors N/A


This is a story of a simple farmer and his son. After losing a very important person in their life both of them are in unbearable pain. To overcome this pain the son chooses the path to take revenge and became the greatest Samurai, a hero who saves humanity from evils his father chose the path of love and belief to spread peace around the world and became the Monk.

The Monk and Samurai Age Rating

Age rating JUJU Suggests that The Monk and Samurai are suitable for kids 10 and up as it contains some material that may disturb younger viewers. Children under the age of 10 should watch the film under the direction of their parents.

The Monk and Samurai Parents Guide

  • War, use of swords, and martial art
  • Brutal Violence
  • Revenge of murder
  • People are killed and beheaded
  • This film also gives a positive message to get over the grief, be kind, and spread peace.

Performances are done by

  • John M. Shang
  • Joseph Elicontrol
  • Hristofor Yedigarov
  • Troy A. Sandford
  • Hazel Han
  • Boymamatov Ziyodbek
  • Luo Yuan Hao

We try to provide good guidance for your children including the age limit and parents’ guide for movies, series, video games, and books. Our only aim is to provide you with content that is not suitable for your child, which is easily understood by you. Parents are always aware of their children, so in this digital era, many such movies and series show inappropriate content, so it is our aim to deliver such material to you through this article.

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