Tokyo Vice Renewed for Season 2: The HBO Max Original drama series Tokyo Vice is returning with season 2. This series is loosely based on the book of the same name by Jake Adelstein published in 2009.
Tokyo Vice Renewed for Season 2
The Series creator JT Rogers announced this news and said, “Writing and then making the first season of Tokyo Vice with this remarkable group of artists was a matchless experience. So I’m over the moon that we get to keep going. I can’t wait to get back to work in Tokyo with our brilliant cast and crew. Stay tuned: there are twists and turns in the tale to come!”
This series is filmed in Tokyo and revolves around Adelstein’s (Ansel Elgort) daily life in the underbelly of Tokyo in the late 90s. The series features Ansel Elgort and Ken Watanabe in lead roles. In the first season, the audience saw the struggle of an American journalist Jake Adelstein who has recently relocated to Tokyo. The first season of the series was premiered on April 7, 2022, on HBO Max.