What is NC17 Rating?

What is NC17 Rating? NC17 refers to no children 17 and below. This rating is assigned to a movie by MPA. This simply means that the person below the age of will not be permitted to see the movie.

The movies under this category are not appropriate for audiences below 18. There may be some scenes that are not good for people below 18. However, the content may vary from movie to movie.

Kind of Content in NC17 Rated movies/series

The majority of movies in this age rating receive this rating mainly because of the sexual content shown. Most of the movies in this category never get a wide release in the United States.

NC17 is not used for adult films or series and most of the time, the films/series of this nature are hardly submitted for US ratings. NC17 is higher than the R rating. {Source: Google.com}

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