Dance of Thieves

Dance of Thieves Age Rating

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Set in the New York Times Bestselling ​Remnant Chronicles Universe
Dance of Thieves Age Rating, 2018 Novel | Age Rating JUJU

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Book Name Dance of Thieves

Writer- Mary E. Pearson

Genre- Novel, Fantasy Fiction

Published by-  Square Fish

Age Rating –  13+  ( Common sense Media)

Release Date August 7th, 2018 

Pages – 512

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What is the Dance of Thieves age rating?

“Dance of Thieves” book rated 13+ by common sense media for Remnant Chronicles spin-off high in romance and adventure.

After the death of the patriarch of the Ballenger empire his son, Jase becomes its new leader.

Kazi a street thief sent by the young queen to investigate transgressions against the new settlements. When Kazi reached there, she founds that Jase is more than she thinks. Read out the book t learn how their love story will begin.


  • Vow of Thieves ( Dance of Thieves #2). Published August 6th, 2019.
Hardcover, 480 pages. AGE RATING 14+ ( COMMON SENSE MEDIA.)
The second part is about to survival of Kazi and Jase, now their love is stronger than before.
But they have a lot of enemies and they are violently attacked by them. Read the book to know will the love birds survive or their story is going to end…

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