Destroy All Neighbors (2024)

Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide: Destroy All Neighbors is a Comedy Horror film directed by Josh Forbes and written by Mike Benner, Jared Logan, and Charles A. Pieper.

In this article, you will get information about the Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide, Age ratings, and other details about Destroy All Neighbors.

It stars Mike Benner, Jared Logan, and Charles A. Pieper in the lead roles, telling the story of a musician who struggles when he gets nightmares about his neighbor.

TitleDestroy All Neighbors
Genre Comedy, Horror
Director Josh Forbes
Released date January 12, 2024
CountryUnited States
Language English
Distributor Shudder
Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide
Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide
Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide

Destroy All Neighbors’s Age Ratings

Destroy All Neighbors is not rated yet, and we will update you about the Destroy All Neighbors Age Ratings.

The age rating is the most important thing that you should not neglect as it is given according to the contents shown in the film, as the maturity level of different kids is different.

Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide

Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide will guide you about the contents shown in the film in which way and the best way through which you can come to know which film is okay for your kids and which is not suitable for your kids is going through the Parents Guide.

Bloody contents

It shows some blood contents as there was a character whose blood was falling from his head, and also, there was blood shown on his face.


It includes a dead body that stands up suddenly in a very horror way in which blood is shown all over his body, and also there was a man who was making another man constantly scared.

Other Detail

Below is the information about the Destroy All Neighbors.

What is the storyline?

It is the story of a musician named William Brown, who wanted to complete his prog-rock magnum opus but faced distraction because of his disturbing neighbor named Vlad.

Who is in the cast?

Franco Vega will be performing as Officer McCormick; Christian Calloway will play Auggie; Kiran Deol will play the role of Emily; Jonah Ray will play the character of William Brown; and Randee Heller will play Eleanor Prescott.

Along with Chase Kim as a Firefighter, Ryan Kattner as Caleb Bang Jansen, Madara Jayasena as Officer Ponds, and DeGeorge Brown as Phillip.

When is the release?

Destroy All Neighbors is going to be released on January 12, 2024, on Shudder Films.


The trailer is not available. We will update you soon.


Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide: Destroy All Neighbors is not rated yet. We will update it soon, and other information regarding Destroy All Neighbors has been given in the article above.

Destroy All Neighbors Parents Guide will help you to think more about the contents being shown in the film.

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