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Futurama Characters

Futurama Characters

Futurama Characters

Futurama Characters: Futurama is an American science fiction sitcom originally released on March 28, 1999. Futurama was created by Matt Groening and developed by David X. Cohen.

Futurama is produced by Lewis Morton, J. Stewart Burns, Patric M. Verrone, Jason Grode, Claudia Katz, and Brian J. Cowan. The editing of Futurama was done by Paul D. Calder, Danik Thomas, and Chris Vallance.

Futurama Characters

In the article below, we have given their list of Futurama Characters along with their cast:

Futurama (science-fiction sitcom) has 7 seasons and 140 episodes. It has a running time of 22 minutes per episode. The production credit goes to production companies named The Curiosity Company and 30th Century Fox Television and it is distributed by 20th Television.

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