Iyanu: Child of Wonder (2024-)

Iyanu: Child of Wonder Parents Guide: Iyanu: Child of Wonder is an Animation, Action, and Adventure TV series directed by Saxton Moore and written by Brandon Easton and Roye Okupe.

The series is Produced by Ryan Haidarian, Erica Motley, Roye Okupe, Carl Reed, Doug Schwalbe, and David Steward II and is based on Yoruba culture and traditions.

If your kid watches animated series, you don’t need to worry a lot, as our main motive for writing is to help you make decisions.

Title Iyanu: Child of Wonder
GenreAnimation, Action, and Adventure
Released dateJanuary 16, 2024
Country United States
Language English
Distributor HBO Max
Iyanu: Child of Wonder Parents Guide
Iyanu Child of Wonder Parents Guide
Iyanu Child of Wonder Parents Guide

Iyanu: Child of Wonder Parents Guide And Age Rating

Iyanu: Child of Wonder is TV-PG-rated for the contents shown in the series. TV-PG ratings are given to those series that include content Parents may find inappropriate for their kids.

You should definitely go for the age ratings, as these have been made for your convenience so that you can make the right decision for your kids.

It may include violence when Iyanu comes to know about the power she has, which can have a bad impact on the kids.

Other Details

Below, we have given information about Iyanu: Child of Wonder.

What is the storyline?

It tells the story of a teenage girl who is an orphan and how she discovers that she can fight the deities of ancient times, which will be enjoyed by the audience.

When is the release?

Iyanu: Child of Wonder will be released on January 16, 2024, on HBO Max; after that, you can enjoy it with your friends and family.


Iyanu: Child of Wonder is an animated series that is TV-PG rated and other details about Iyanu: Child of Wonder has been given above in the article.

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Iyanu: Child of Wonder
Iyanu Child of Wonder Parents Guide 2

Director: Saxton Moore

Date Created: 2024-02-16 10:59

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