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Jockey (2021)

Jockey Parents Guide | Jockey Age Rating (2021 Film)

Jockey Parents Guide | Jockey Age Rating (2021 Film)

Jockey Parents Guide

Jockey is an American drama film written by Greg Kwedar, Clint Bentley and directed by Greg Kwedar. It is produced by Clint Bentley, Greg Kwedar, Nancy Schafer.

The film is distributed by Sony Pictures Classics. However, the production companies are Marfa Peach Company, Contrast Films, ICM Partners.

Jockey Age Rating

The Movie Jockey is rated R for Language Throughout.

R – Some content shown in the film may be inappropriate for children under the age of 18.

Film Jockey Release date

The movie Jockey is scheduled to be released on 29 December 2021 (USA).

Official Poster and Details

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Jockey Parents Guide | Jockey Age Rating (2021 Film)
Jockey Parents Guide | Jockey Age Rating (2021 Film)

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Movie Name Jockey
Genre Drama
Age Rating R
Release date 29 December 2021 (USA)
Directed by Greg Kwedar
Official Website Sony Pictures Classics


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Jockey Parents Guide

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No Violence is present in the movie.
It is based on the life of a sportsman.
No Nudity or No Sexual References are shown.
Language Throughout, words used, “Sh*t”, “He*l”, “Damn”.


Film Jockey Overview

In this movie, an aging jockey aims for a final championship when a rookie rider arrives claiming to be his son. With the help of Ruth and a promising new horse, Jackson begins to prepare for the upcoming championship, reflecting on his legacy.

Jockey Wallpaper and Images

Jockey Parents Guide | Jockey Age Rating (2021 Film)
Jockey Parents Guide | Jockey Age Rating (2021 Film)

Film Jockey Cast

  • Clifton Collins Jr. as Jackson Silva
  • Logan Cormier as Leo Brock
  • Vincent Francia as Ronnie Langford
  • Molly Parker as Ruth Wilkes
  • Marlon St. Julien
  • Moises Arias as Gabriel Boullait
  • Danny Garcia as Benny Hernandez IV
  • Ryan Barber as Jockey
  • Martin Bourdieu as Jockey
  • Aki Kato as Jockey
  • Richard Lull as Jockey
  • Carl Williams as Jockey
  • Michael Ybarra as Jockey
  • Joe Johnson as Groom
  • Daillon Luker as Groom
  • Oscar Quiroz as Groom
  • John Shumaker as Pastor John
  • Willie Whitehouse as Willie Buchanan
  • Stacey Nottingham as Dr. Stacey Carter
  • Colleen Hartnett as Ana Boullait
  • Bryne Donaldson as Mr. Sax
  • Daniel Adams as Jerry Meyer

Jockey Parents Guide and Jockey Age Rating

Know about Jockey Parents Guide. Why Jockey receive this age rating? Read the complete information here about Jockey age rating in the UK, US, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, and overseas.

The film Jockey is rated in the United States.

In fact, the age rating, fixed by MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America TV Series rating system), BBFC (British Board of Film Classification), and Commons sense, TV Parental Guidelines (A television content rating system in the United States).

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