Kage & Celeste (2024)

Kage & Celeste Parents Guide: Kage & Celeste is a 2024 animated film directed by Nova Alessio and Justin Hixon and written by Nova Alessio and Benjamin Jensen.

It stars Victoria Camps, Tray Wright, and Grayson McDonald, is produced by La Vera Wilson, and the music credit goes to Andrew Kospiak.

If you want to know whether Kage & Celeste is appropriate for your kid, read our article below.

Title Kage & Celeste
GenreAdventure, Animation
Released dateMarch 15, 2024
CountryUnited States
DistributorA.L.P. Pictures
Kage & Celeste Parents Guide
Kage & Celeste Parents Guide (2)
Kage & Celeste Parents Guide (2)

Kage & Celeste Parents Guide and Age Rating

Kage & Celeste is not rated officially, but from my point of view, but it is suggested that Kage & Celeste may not be suitable for kids under 12. Kage & Celeste Parents Guide is unavailable right now. We will be updating it as soon as possible.

Other Details

Below, we have given information about Kage & Celeste.

What is the storyline?

It follows the story of the kingdom and an orphan girl named Celeste, who is twelve years old, and the son of Hag named Kage. it also includes Narcissa and Waylon, two children, which also include twists and turns, which will be enjoyed by the viewers.

When is the release?

Kage & Celeste will premiere on March 15, 2024, on A.L.P. Pictures; after that, you can watch it. Here are some more animated movies; you can read them also:-

1. Ninja Kamui

2. The Second Best Hospital In The Galaxy

3. Jungle Bunch: Operation Meltdown

Who is in the cast?

It includes Victoria Camps voicing Queen Paola-Cruz, Grayson McDonald voicing Kage Rterssi, and Isaac Smelcer-Zhang voicing Matthew Katriel.

Along with Trinity Robain voiced Dove Chase, Tray Wright voiced Waylon Kings, Kal-El Cicero voiced Todd McCloskey, Robin Michelle Lee voiced Narcissa Kings, and Casey Butcher voiced Orchid Wisteria.


After reading our article, you will be able to know why age rating is important and on which basis age rating is given to Kage & Celeste.

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Kage & Celeste
Kage Celeste Parents Guide 1 1

Director: Nova Alessio

Date Created: 2024-03-15 09:52

Editor's Rating:

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