Missing You is a Netflix miniseries adapted from Harlan Coben’s novel. The show, which premiered on January 1, 2025, follows Detective Kat Donovan as she discovers her long-lost fiancé on a dating app 11 years after his mysterious disappearance. The series is rated TV-MA for its intense themes, violence, and mature content, making it suitable only for mature audiences.
Missing You Age Rating
TV-MA: The series includes strong language, violence, sexual content, and dark themes, which may not be appropriate for younger viewers.
Missing You Parent’s Guide
- The show includes frequent scenes of violence and physical confrontations.
- In Episode 1, a chef attacks his coworkers and girlfriend with a knife and threatens to kill her.
- A missing man named Rishi is shown bound, shocked with a cattle prod, and strung up in captivity.
- Kat recalls the murder of her father, and details of the crime are discussed in flashbacks.
- A prisoner with terminal cancer describes gruesome details of past crimes.
- Kat engages in physical fights while pursuing suspects.
- Strong language is used throughout the show, including the f-word and other profanities.
Sexual Content
- Characters discuss adult themes, such as dating and infidelity.
- Flashbacks show Kat and her fiancé in intimate situations, though there is no explicit nudity.
- Several characters wear revealing outfits.
- A private investigator uses her appearance to entrap a suspect in an extramarital affair.
Substance Use
- Characters drink alcohol in bars and clubs.
- A nurse offers to create a drug cocktail to act as a “truth serum,” which is used unethically during an investigation.
Mature Themes
- The story deals with grief, loss, and unresolved trauma as Kat investigates her father’s murder and the disappearance of her fiancé.
- A character reflects on their anger and bitterness toward their father’s killer.
- The show explores themes of betrayal, corruption, and manipulation.
Is It Suitable for Families?
No, Missing You is not family-friendly. The mature themes, violence, and language make it better suited for adults.
Episode 1 Highlights
In the premiere episode titled “Every Breath You Take,” Kat discovers her ex-fiancé on a dating app and learns new details about her father’s murder. The episode includes violent confrontations, adult discussions, and intense situations that set the tone for the series.
Missing You is a gripping mystery series with heavy emotional and violent content. Parents should carefully consider its themes and scenes before allowing teens to watch. The TV-MA rating reflects the mature material throughout the series.