Players (2024)

Players Parents Guide: Players is a 2024 Comedy Romance Netflix Film directed by Players and written by Whit Anderson, starring Tom Ellis, Gina Rodriguez, and Augustus Prew in the film.

It is produced by Ryan Christians, Ross M. Dinerstein, and Marc Platt, and executive produced by Molly Breeskin, Ross Girard, Sophia Lin, Sophia Lin, and Gina Rodriguez.

If you are confused about whether Players are suitable for your kid, you should go for the article mentioned below.

Title Players
Genre Comedy and Romance
Released dateFebruary 14, 2024
Country United States
Language English
Distributor Netflix
Players Parents Guide

Players Age Ratings

Players are not rated yet; we will update you soon about it, but it is not suitable for kids under 14 for sex and consumption of Alcohol in the film.

Age ratings are given according to the contents as the maturity levels of the kids differ, and you should follow them as they have been made for your convenience.

Players Parents Guide

Players Parents Guide will guide you about the contents in which way so that you can guide your kid in the proper direction.

Consumption of Alcohol

It includes the consumption of Alcohol as there are the characters shown drinking Alcohol in the film, and they are also shown holding glasses in hand, which are filled with Alcohol.


It includes sexual content as it shows a woman and man kissing each other in the film, showing their love for each other and their relationship.

Parents Consideration

You need to take care when you allow your kid to watch the film as it contains sex and Consumption of Alcohol, which can lead to bad impacts on them when they watch, and this cannot be ignored.

Other Details

Below, we have information about Players.

What is the storyline?

It features the story of Mack, a sportswriter from New York who has spent years for her success, but now, after accidentally failing one of her targets, she must be going for simply scoring by playing it, which will be enjoyed by the audience.

When is the release date?

Players will premiere on February 14, 2024, on Netflix. After it, you can enjoy it with your friends and family.

Who is in the cast?

It includes Brock O’Hurn as Brady Stratton, Scottie DiGiacomo as Rich Woman at Gala, Claudia Maree Mailer as Kourtney Martini, Veraalba Santa as Waitress, James Hightower as Bartender #2, George J. Vezina as Sal Greenberg, and Jerry Kernion as Carl.

Along with Damon Wayans Jr. as Adam, Gina Rodriguez as Mack, Kais Boukthir as Super Fan, Dan Cordle as Kirk’s Husband, Sterling Jonatán Williams as Tattoo Librarian, Sarah Dacey-Charles as Mary, and Tony Foggia as Ticket Taker.


Players | Official Trailer | Netflix
Players Parents Guide


Players Parents Guide: Players are not officially rated, and other information about the film has been given above in the article. Keep reading our article and also enjoy reading soon we will update more information about the Players.

Players Parents Guide

Director: Players Parents Guide

Date Created: 2024-02-14 17:07

Editor's Rating:

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