September 5 is a historical drama thriller released in 2024, directed by Tim Fehlbaum. The film dives into the events of the Munich massacre during the 1972 Olympic Games, but from a unique angle — the perspective of the ABC Sports crew covering the tragedy.
While the film has received mixed reviews, many appreciate its focus on media coverage during such tragic events. The performances and suspenseful storytelling make it a notable addition to historical drama films.
Title | September 5 |
Genre | Historical Drama, Thriller |
Director | Tim Fehlbaum |
Language | English |
Country | United States |
Release Date | 2024 |
Rating | R |
Parents Consideration
Sakamoto Days is rated R due to strong language, mild violence, and some intense scenes. Parents should carefully consider the following points:
- The film includes mild depictions of violence related to the hostage situation.
- Gun threats and distant gunshots are heard, but there is no explicit gore.
- Hostage-related images and dialogue about killings and shootings contribute to the tension.
- Frequent use of strong language, including 10 instances of “f–k” and other terms like “bulls–t,” “damn,” “hell,” and “Jesus Christ” (as an exclamation).
Alcohol/ Smoking
- Characters are frequently shown smoking cigarettes.
- Social drinking is depicted, with characters celebrating with beer and whiskey.
Frightening Scenes
- The hostage situation creates a suspenseful and tense atmosphere throughout the movie.
- References to the murder of hostages add emotional weight to the story.
What Is September 5 About?
September 5 tells the gripping story of the Munich massacre of 1972. Instead of focusing on the athletes or terrorists, the movie highlights the experiences of the ABC Sports crew as they navigate the challenges of reporting on such a tragic and high-stakes event.
The film explores how journalists handle the pressure of covering a live crisis while balancing professionalism and personal emotions. It raises important questions about the role of media in presenting such historical events.
Age Rating: Is September 5 Appropriate for Kids?
The movie is rated R and is best suited for viewers aged 17 and above. Its mature themes, intense scenes, and strong language make it inappropriate for younger audiences.
Parents should note that while the film is thought-provoking, the subject matter may be distressing for teens under 17.
September 5 is a suspenseful and emotional film that portrays a significant moment in history from a unique perspective. While intense and mature, it offers a compelling look at the challenges of covering tragedies in the media. It’s worth watching for older teens and adults interested in historical dramas.