Sixty Minutes (2024)

Sixty Minutes Parents Guide: Sixty Minutes is Action, Drama, and Sport, directed by Oliver Kienle and written by Philip Koch and Oliver Kienle which stars Emilio Sakraya, Dennis Mojen, and Marie Mouroum in the lead roles.

In this article, you will get information about Sixty Minutes Parents Guide, age ratings, and other details regarding Sixty Minutes.

TitleJanuary 24, 2024
GenreAction, Drama, and Sport,
Director Oliver Kienle
Released date January 24, 2024
Country United States
Language English
Sixty Minutes Parents Guide
Sixty Minutes Parents Guide
Sixty Minutes Parents Guide

Sixty Minutes Age Ratings

Sixty Minutes is not rated yet, but we will update you soon about Sixty Minutes Age Ratings.

Age ratings are given according to the content used in the film or series as the maturity level of different kids is different, and all of the kids take every piece of content in different ways.

Sixty Minutes Parents Guide

Sixty Minutes Parents Guide will guide you about the contents shown in the film in which way so that you can make a proper decision for your kids.


Characters were shown fighting with each other, and groups of people were shown beating a man on the way. It also shows shooting content, as there were some characters shown shooting each other with guns.

Consumption of Alcohol

It also shows some characters holding glasses filled with Alcohol, and they were also shown drinking it together in the group.


It includes some characters who are in action, and a vehicle is shown overturning while running.

Other Detail

Below is the information about Sixty Minutes in the article.

What is the storyline?

Sixty Minutes is the story of a person who does not want to lose custody and makes so many enemies due to martial arts when he drops the match due to his daughter’s birthday.

When is the release?

Sixty Minutes will be released on January 24, 2024 on Netflix.

Who is in the cast?

It also includes Emilio Sakraya performing as Octavio Bergmann, Marie Mouroum performing as Cosima, Dennis Mojen playing the role of Paul Lehmann, Florian Schmidtke as Winkler, and Alain Blazevic playing Accountant.


Sixty Minutes | Official Trailer | Netflix
Sixty Minutes Parents Guide


Sixty Minutes Parents Guide: Sixty Minutes is not rated yet we will update soon about the age ratings. Sixty Minutes Parents Guide will help you to make better decisions for your kids.

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