Snack Basue (2024)

Snack Basue Parents Guide: Snack Basue is an animated comedy written and directed by Minoru Ashina, starring Kimiko Saitô and Rie Takahashi is serilized on Shueisha’s seinen manga magazine Weekly Young Jump.

After reading our article you will be able to take right decison for your kid as our main aim of writing is to make you know about those queries for which you are here.

Kimiko Saitô and Rie Takahashi fans will enjoy it more as these have given voice in the series, making Snack Basue more interesting.

Title Snack Basue
Genre Animaion, Comedy
DirectorMinoru Ashina
Released date January 12, 2024
Country Japan
Language Japanese
Production CompanyPony Canyon Enterprises
Snack Basue Parents Guide
Snack Basue Parents Guide
Snack Basue Parents Guide

Snack Basue Age Ratings

Snack Basue is not rated yet we will update soon.

Age Ratings are given according to the contents shown in the series as the maturity level of kids are different and all take different contents in diffrent way.

You should always go through the age ratings as these have been made for you so that you can know which series is better for your kids and which not.

Snack Basue Parents Guide

Snack Basue Parents Guide will guide you about the contents shown in it in whcih way so that you can come to know it is okay or not for your kid.

In my point of view you should always go for the riviews as through it you can come to know that is it appropriate for your kid or not.

Consumption of Alcohol

It shows that there are characters shown in the series are drinking Alcohol, Also they were shown holding glasses which was filled from Alcohol.

The characters are also shown sitting in the vine shop talking together while drinking Alcohol in the series.

Parents Consideration

Consideration is also important as these are the small things which need to be focused when you allow your kid to watch Snack Basue. It include Consumption of Alcohol which can have bad impacts on them.

Other Details

Below we have given information about Snack Basue.

When is the release date?

Snack Basue will be primiered on January 12, 2024 and then you will be able to watch it once it is released.

What is the storyline?

There is bar which si set up in the town Sapporo and there the people enjoy together in which they all laugh together and talk.

Snack Basue Parents Guide


Snack Basue Parents Guide: Snack Basue is not rated yetw ewill upadte you about it and the other information about Snack Basue have been given above in the article.

In this article, we have given information about the Snack Basue Parents Guide, Snack Basue Age Ratings, and other details about Snack Basue.

Snack Basue
Snack Basue Parents Guide 1

Director: Minoru Ashina

Date Created: 2023-12-12 17:53

Editor's Rating:

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