Target Number One (2023)

Target Number One Parents Guide: Target Number One is an Action Thriller film directed by Andy Deliana and written by Ken Cardwell, Jeff Carr, Ana Carolina, and Rebichia Deliana.

This article will give you information about Target Number One Parents Guide, Age Ratings, and other details about Target Number One.

It is a story about A young man who is shown doing Robber, which will be so much enjoyed by the audiences, starring Arben Bajraktaraj, Michael Segál, and Andy Deliana.

Title Target Number One
GenreAction, Thriller
Director Andy Deliana
Release date December 25, 2023
Country United States, Canada
Language English, Albanian
Distributor Starz
Target Number One Parents Guide
Target Number One Parents Guide
Target Number One Parents Guide

Target Number One Age Ratings

Target Number One Age Ratings is not available right now. We will update you soon about it.

The age rating is given according to the contents shown, as the maturity levels of different kids are different, and you all should follow the age ratings as these are made for you.

Target Number One Parents Guide

Target Number, One Parents Guide, will give you information about the contents shown in the film so that you can make proper decisions for your kids.

Kids are too young to make their own decisions. For this, you are there, and then getting information from the Target Number One Parents Guide becomes more important.

Target Number One Parents Guide will be updated soon so that you can make proper decisions for your kids.

Other Details

Below, we have given information about the Target Number One.

What is the storyline?

Target Number One features a story about the

When is the release?

Target Number One will be premiered on 25 December 2023 on Starz.

Who is in the cast?

Arben Bajraktaraj will be playing Xavier; Andy Deliana will play The Connection; Genti Bejko will play Silver; Will Parker will be playing Fred; Klodian Hoxha will represent Shooter; and Ardian Cerga will be performing as Older Kurt.

Along with Endi Ndini as Hunter, Hysen Mehmeti as Frodo, Barjon Bregu as Tar, Guray Nalbant, Klark Morina, Michael Segál, Ndriçim Xhepa, Sefedin Shabani, Lia Sanchez Baltodano, and Pashk Hoti.


Target Number One is not rated yet. We will be informing you of more details regarding Target Number One. Keep reading our articles and also enjoy while reading.

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