The Vengeance of Dracula (2023)

The Vengeance of Dracula Parents Guide: The Vengeance of Dracula is a Horror film directed by Nicholas Malden and written by Miles JonnDalton and Nicholas Malden, which is also known as The Evil of Dracula.

In this article, we will update you about The Vengeance of Dracula Parents Guide, The Vengeance of Dracula Age Ratings, and other The Vengeance of Dracula.

Title The Vengeance of Dracula
Director Nicholas Malden
Release date December 30, 2023
Country United States
Language English
Distributor Cinefilm Transinternational
The Vengeance of Dracula Parents Guide
The Vengeance of Dracula Parents Guide
The Vengeance of Dracula Parents Guide

The Vengeance of Dracula Parents Guide and Age Ratings

The Vengeance of Dracula has not been rated yet. We will update you about it.

Age Ratings are given according to the contents shown, as kids’ maturity levels are different for different kids. You should always go for the Age Ratings, as these are made for you so that you can properly make decisions for your kids.

The Vengeance of Dracula Parents Guide will guide you through the contents shown in the film as your kid is too young to make a decision.

Other Details

Below, we have given information about The Vengeance of Dracula.

What is the storyline?

The Vengeance of Dracula storyline is not available right now. We will update it soon.

When is the release?

The Vengeance of Dracula will be premiered on December 30, 2023, on Cinefilm Transinternational.

Who is in the cast?

Miles Jonn-Dalton will be as Count Dracula; Ellen Wing will perform as Lucy Westenra; Fabiano Lioi will be Miklos; Nikolai Malden will perform as Constable Marek.

Pia Bertucci as Mina, Pauline Peart as Galadriel, Laurence Gold as Ghoul, and Antonio Mayans as Helsing.


The Vengeance of Dracula is not rated yet. We will update it soon, and other details of The Vengeance of Dracula have been given above in the article. Keep reading our articles and also enjoy our writings.

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